Monday, September 1, 2008

How Then Should I Preach?

Christians are too often known for being against a lot of things, rather than for being positive. Looking at other Christians around me, and especially at myself, I think I know the reason. I think it's due to the fact that it's fairly easy to logically explain why homosexuality, lying, gossip, pornography, and divorce are harmful to everyone involved, and there can be a certain accompanying amount of pride in revealing these truths--I demonstrated superior wisdom, and I did my Christian duty. But to be for something, we have to be for someone--Jesus--because we know better than to preach ourselves. And it's natural for us to feel embarrassed to preach a 2000 year old Messianic message of miracles to the modern, mocking masses.

How does one preach Jesus? Talk about the predictions of his first coming. Describe his blameless life. Gush over the incredible wisdom he used to lift the oppressed and confound his opponents. Proclaim his imminent return. Most of all, tell about his grace! Grace that washes away our sins, grace that nailed the requirements of the Law to the cross, grace that sovereignly intervenes in every area of our lives, grace that gives us the power to live right.

God give us enough holy boldness and humility to share this indescribable gift with every people group on Earth, as well as to our next-door neighbors.