Monday, June 28, 2010

The Enlightening Side Of The Moon

The skeptic might say that it's just a coincidence that during some eclipses, the moon perfectly and exactly covers the sun. The Christian knows that God put the sun 400 times farther from us than the moon, and made it 400 times larger than the moon, so that they would be the same size from our perspective. Because God made the sun and the moon for mankind.

Skeptic, how do you explain the perfect match of the sun's and the moon's size from our perspective?

It's obvious to me that God made them that way
--to light the earth just right
--to help us study the sun during eclipses, and
--to illustrate the truth that as God gives perfect light, his Church ought to reflect his light to those who don't see him.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Good Movies

Adam Sandler has never made a good movie.
Neither have Cameron Diaz, Chris Rock, Jennifer Aniston, George Clooney, or Brad Pitt.

You & I might disagree here, but let me explain. I define "good movie" as clean as well as entertaining. In fact, if it's not clean, it won't entertain me. When I hear my wonderful Lord's name treated like a swear word, or see an ungodly sexual situation, or some other uncleanness, I feel deeply grieved, or angry, or dirty.

What I wrote in my first paragraph doesn't mean there's no hope for these actors. I would've said the same thing, for example, about Eddie Murphy some years ago. But in the latter part of his career he's made
Meet Dave, Daddy Day Care, & Imagine That--all excellent, funny flicks.

"How can I find out whether a movie is 'good' before I spend the money at the theater or DVD store?" I'm glad you asked. Go here before you go there:

Friday, June 11, 2010

Spiritual Warfare Is Real--Here's Proof!

I have a Facebook friend who I was pretty close to several years ago, but I haven't seen him since then. He was a disciple, zealous for the Lord. But I don't see any hint of that great faith in his posts or in his page. Out of love and concern for him, I wrote this to him to remind him of how God used him in a powerful way in my life:

There have been two times in my life when God has miraculously, instantaneously, no-natural-way-to-explain-
it healed me. One was about 20 yrs ago when I had TMJ (it was painful to try to close my jaw, and I was living on soft food for days). I went to the dentist, and he told me I needed surgery. He said to go out to the foyer and make an appointment. I went out and stood in line. But then God spoke to me and told me to leave--he would heal me! I got happy and started to go home, but I felt I ought to go to the church building. I did, and you were the only one there. I told you what happened. You prayed for me, and one side of my mouth closed for the first time in many days! You prayed again, and the other side closed, and I have been healed with no problems ever since! Thank you!

I wrote this four days ago. In the past four days, the symptoms that had been gone for 20 years have slowly returned! My jaw is as bad now as when I went to the dentist. Because this is certainly a spiritual issue, I'm not going to the dentist...especially since I ain't got dental insurance! I'm trusting God to heal me again.
To those who pray, would you pray for me? And please pray for my friend, too.

UPDATE, 6/22: There's good news: Thanks in part to your prayers, I'm totally healed! It's definitely a miracle!