Saturday, July 7, 2007

Theology Works

Why call a blog theologyworks? Theology because I passionately want Christians to pursue truth, and works because what you believe will be expressed in your lifestyle. Jesus repeatedly taught that people's hearts are revealed by their deeds and words.

This blog is for Christians, so please consider carefully before you send a post to a lost sinner. Jesus said it's not prudent to cast our pearls before swine.

So today, instead of watching that mind-numbing, perverted, far-from-reality reality show on TV, and instead of joining 20,000 fanatics as they scream at a bunch of multi-millionaire steroid junkees in funny clothes hitting a ball with a stick, why not use your God-given time by obtaining, living, and disseminating truth?

My blog for everybody is


Char said...

I am glad to find this. I have long wanted something to explore the ideas and thoughts I feel the Lord has given me. It seems difficult to find anywhere to share my insights and sound them out with other Christians. We are all too busy. At least I know I am.

jgapinoy said...

Thank you, Char!