Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lock the door! Turn off the lights!

I used to think it was my Christian duty to hate Halloween. Participating in a "Harvest Festival" a few days before 10/31 was OK, but on that dreaded date, we would turn off the porch light, close the curtains, hunker down, and watch a video. But I was missing an excellent opportunity to meet my neighbors and share the gospel. How often do dozens of people ring my doorbell in one evening?

Our new Halloween tradition consists of us all dressed in non-scary, non-evil, non-slutty costumes, passing out candy
with an attached note on orange card-stock:

Enjoy the chocolate! We're John and Gina. We teach Sunday School at Chandler Christian Church. We hope you kids can visit us there soon!

Maybe we'll get visitors to church that way. If nothing else, our neighbors will know that the Kingdom of God is near.

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