Saturday, January 17, 2015

Philippine Idol

Now that the celebrity worship is cooling off a bit here in the Philippines, it’s time to impart some truth.
The pope is the leader of Roman Catholicism, but it is folly to claim that Francis is a successor to any office that the apostle Peter held.
Peter was not a pope.
For one thing, he was married.

Matthew 8:14
When Jesus came into Peter's home, He saw his mother-in-law lying sick in bed with a fever. 

And Peter did not allow people to bow down to him.

Acts 10:25, 26
When Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and fell at his feet and worshiped him. But Peter raised him up, saying, "Stand up; I too am just a man."

Wikipedia says,
“Although there is no evidence that Peter ever served as the Bishop of Rome, and while there is historical evidence that the Church of Rome was founded before Peter ever journeyed outside of Judea, Samaria, or Galilee, he is nevertheless recognized by the Roman Catholic Church as the first Bishop of Rome appointed by Christ.” 

Here are two detailed examinations of the Scriptures which prove that Peter was not a pope.

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